مجموعة Utravel (يوتْرَڤِلْ) اتحاد سفر تأسس في إسرائيل، ينتسب إليه ما يزيد عن ٢٠٠ وكالة تتخصص في مجال الاستهلاك لقطاع الأعمال والقطاع الخاص.
يكمن الهدف الرئيسي ليوترڤل في منح أعضائها فوائد كبيرة مستمَدّة من قوة المجموعة وقدراتها التقنية والتدريبية، وطبعًا � بفضل التعاون القائم مع مورِّديها في الصناعة السياحية. هكذا يحصل الأعضاء على الأدوات المثالية التي يحتاجون إليها لزيادة أرباحهم ولتحقيق قدرة تنافسية ذات شأن.
بإمكان وكالتكم الاستفادة من منتجات جديدة ومبتكَرة، وتوسيع الخدمات والتقنيات المتقدمة المتوفرة، ما يضعكم في درب تقديم الخدمة المثلى.
Utravel Annual Conference - january 2023
Our annual conference was held on January 25th on the premises of the Crown Plaza Azrieli Hotel in Tel Aviv. In an impressive event with 230 participants - agents and suppliers - shields of honor were given to the oldest agencies of our Consortium
Amadeus Retail Diamond Award for 2018
Amadeus, one of the leading GDS in the world, has given Utravel the Retail Diamond Award for 2018 as one of 25 best retailers that were chosen. Mrs. Anna Kofoed, SVP retail travel agencies for Europe, and Mr. Leonid Marmer, General Direcor together with Mr. Gadi Mor, CEO of Amadeus Israel and Doron Zeevi OLTA Manager, Visited Utravel\\\'s office and presented the award to Mr. Benni Milrad, Chairman & Mr. Shay Faitlovitz, CEO of Utravel.
Utravel annual conference - january 2019
Our annual conference was held on January 7th on the premises of the Crown Plaza Beach Hotel in Tel Aviv. The theme of the conference was - The Travel Agent of the 21st Century…
Utravel annual conference 2019 - lecturers
lecturers given by Mr. Gadi Mor, CEO of Amadeus Israel, Mr. Kobi Zissman, CEO of IATA Israel, and Mr. Shay Faitlovitz, CEO of Utravel, and followed by a fascinating lecture by the famous Historian Dr. Guy Bechor.
regional conference in Haifa - April 2018
On April 10th we also held a regional conference in Haifa, with our northern agencies and some of our biggest suppliers and new suppliers with unique products.
Utravel annual conference - january 2018
started with momentum, starting with Utravel annual conference that was held on January 17th at the Crown Plaza hotel in Tel Aviv. In an impressive event with 230 participants - agents and suppliers - shields of honor were given to the oldest agencies of our Consortium
Conference in Haifa
Utravels Manager meeting at the Garden Hotel at Haifa, where they enjoyed a tasty breakfast followed by a meeting with some of Utravel Suppliers and a general introduction of Utravel newest internet technology.
Conference in Tel aviv
Utravels Manager meeting at the Crown plaza TLV, where they enjoyed a tasty breakfast followed by a meeting with some of Utravel Suppliers and a general introduction of Utravel newest internet technology.
Conference in Tel Aviv
Utravels Manager meeting at the Crown plaza TLV, where they enjoyed a tasty breakfast followed by a meeting with some of Utravel Suppliers and a general introduction of Utravel newest internet technology.
Meeting Iata Members
On March 23rd a meeting of Utravel IATA managers was held at the Metropolitan TLV, where the important issues of VAT laws, the new Insurance law and the future of the travel industry were raised.
Meeting EL-AL and AMADEUS
An important meeting with El Al Management took place at the Isrotel tower TLA, were the two parties discussed their future relations. Amadeus Israel CEO gave a revew on future tendencies of global tourism
Utravel honorary award
The Utravel group during its annual event, gave Mr.Efraim Fortis an award of paragon in the tourism industry ...
Webeler - travel websites aggregator
Utravel has implemented a unique aggregator system that allows travel agents to search, compare and receive commissions from world leading travel websites.
اتصالات حول المعمورة
أدوات التسويق
قاعدة المعرفة
احصلوا على استشارة
استراتيجية وتوجيه مهني
لتتمكنوا من تطوير عملكم:
- دورات تدريبيةحلقات دراسية
- مركَّزةاستشارة
- استراتيجيةاتفاقيات الشبكة
- العنكبوتية
وسّعوا قدراتكم التسويقية
بالاستفادة من التقنيات المبتكَرة
التي توفرها لكم يوترڤل:
- نُظم حجز حصرية
- بوابة الوكالة
- مواقع شخصية على الإنترنت
- نُظم التسويق المباشر
يمكنكم الاستفادة من الفوائد التي
توفّرها لكم الاتفاقات التفضيلية التي
تحظى بها يوترڤل مع المورّدين
الرائدين في الصناعة السياحية:
- عمولات مرتفعة
- قنوات تسويق حصرية
- فوائد خاصة ممنوحة حصريًا
- للأعضاء تنوّع المنتجات